Argumentative Essay: My First Puff Of A Cigarettion

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At the age of fourteen, I had my first puff of a cigarette. After school, a couple friends and I were wandering in a small park next to my middle school. We still had our middle school uniform on, but we tried to hide it. My friend said, “Renee, try it. Try it! It feels good! We all did it except you. If you don 't do it, you are not part of us.” Under peer pressure, I grabbed the cigarette from her hand and inhaled deeply. I coughed so hard. However, I liked it. I really liked it. The minty taste lingered in my throat, the aftertaste was bittersweet, and the spike of adrenaline really woke me up, and made me feel alert. I ended up finishing the whole cigarette. Our uniforms and fingers were stained with the scent of the cigarette. My friend passed me a bottle of perfume and said, “Spray it! So your mom will not notice anything.” We went to the nearest restroom to wash our hands. I tried to get rid of the smell. It took forever to get rid of the smell in my hair and clothes and skin, but after lots of hand soap and walking around I was able to get rid of it. I loved the feeling the cigarette gave me at the time, however now I deeply regret the decision to try that first puff. …show more content…

I am one of those individuals who fell into the smoking trap. Cigarette smoking is a bad habit. In society, not many people like the smell of cigarettes and smokers can create an inconvenient environment to the people that surrounds them. Not only is the smell not enjoyable for passerby, but inhaling second-hand smoke has proven to be almost as dangerous as smoking itself. Smoking is unhealthy, dirty and expensive, so quitting the bad habit is more beneficial for us smokers and former

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