Argumentative Essay: It's Time To Go To College

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According to The Atlantic during the year of 2013-14, 82% of high school seniors graduated. In 2013, 66% of high school seniors enrolled into college immediately after high school. There are lots of people that go to college, not as many people go when they can’t afford to attend college and as for the 3 billion poor people out there in the world not many may attend. It’s not even about the money, some just don’t have the time and have to get a job right out of high school to care for their family.
The thing is you should go to college straight out of high school because most people don’t attend high school after the age of 25, so if you take off a year you might not finish on time. Also, if you wait a year to go abroad or just to travel on your oven you might not be as focused as you need to in order to finish your schooling. It truly is better to get all schooling done and then go and travel after you have a steady job so you know that when you go back home you’ll have a job. The faster you get done with college the faster you can finish your degree and not be so tied down. It is easier to go straight into college than to wait a year. …show more content…

You may come into college as a little immature child but, you have the whole college experience so you know what not to do when you get out and go into the real world. College is meant to be after high school, that's why you apply for it your senior year of high school. It’s the next step you take to further your career choice, more education better job. I’m not saying you have to go to college that parts a choice but, i’m, saying if you want to go to college it’s better to do it after high school then wait a

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