Argumentative Essay: High Cost Of Free Tuition

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$50,000 a year? I’d rather spend a $2,000 plane ticket to Germany. Speaking of Germany, this european country made headlines when it announced free college to those attending it’s universities. Getting a college education is one thing, but getting it for free is a huge benefit to those who seek a career. We all have enormous goals that we want to achieve in the future, whether it be becoming a successful CEO or health professional. Graduating high school and getting a high paying job isn’t a walk in the park without a degree from a university. As teenagers transition into getting a post-secondary education, many know “free tuition” is virtually impossible, requiring many to take out loans or discourage the need of a college education. The government needs to further subsidize college tuition …show more content…

The government needs to further subsidize college tuition to prevent student loan debt. In the article “Student Loan Debt Horror Stories, Revealed” by Jim Lardner, it states “Student-loan debt has doubled since 2007. At an estimated $1.1 trillion, it’s the nation’s second biggest form of household indebtedness, after mortgages.” Students continue to pull out loans in order to pay for their education. They have a hard time paying back the loans after they graduate because of balancing other finances, for example, the cost of living. Since student loan debt is the ‘second biggest form of household indebtedness’, it affects the majority of college graduates. Having affordable college tuition can prevent loan debt because it doesn’t require students to take out big loans to pay for his or her education. A small loan of say $5,000 is much easier to pay back than a $50,000 loan. Overall, the government needs to subsidize college tuition much further because it eliminates the need to take out large loans, thus reducing student loan

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