Argumentative Essay About Illegal Immigrants

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I'll be addressing the issues I've heard about illegal immigration throughout high school. I'll be covering a lot of questions as well, such as, where do illegal immigrants work? What's the difference between the United States from their home country? Why do they choose to become an illegal immigrant, instead of following through the process? How Many illegal immigrants are living in the United States now? First off, I guaranteed there's millions of illegal immigrants living in the United States now. The reason for them to migrate to here is, because of the American Dream. The American Dream is achieved by dedication, and hard work. Everyone living outside of America assumes u.s citizens are living the so called “ wealthy life “. There's prolly …show more content…

Also there's a good education system, that illegal immigrants risk their life for. Most of them speak a firings language, which makes it harder for them to qualify to be an u.s citizen. You'll also need a certain amount of money in your bank, so they can see if you're financially stable. The process of becoming an u.s citizen is very long, and some people just can't wait. Thirdly, there's a lot of illegal immigrants throughout United States with jobs as well. This type of payment is called “ under the table “. It's most likely illegal in the United States, because we are required to report all wages to the IRS. Some illegal immigrants might have family members or even friends, that owns businesses and willing to help. Another reason why illegal immigrants migrate to United States is because of the dictators within their country. Fourthly, some girls aren't allowed to attend school in different parts of the world. China is known for having the “One Child Policy” back in the day. Foreigners are prolly under stressful living conditions at the moment. Eventually they'll come across commercials about United States. There's a lot of places people would want to go, such as Disneyland, beaches, festivals, islands, and much

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