Argumentative Essay About Hunting

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My first topic is hunting. Hunting is defined as actively tracking and killing animals for food, recreation, or trade. Hunting is important to me because as a child this tradition was passed on to me by family members. It was a bonding experience shared with my father and I that taught me many important life lessons. As society has advanced we have developed new methods of acquiring sustainable food sources. Now that this ancient activity has evolved from a necessary practice to a social one, the pros and cons come into question. The main argument is whether or not animals are being hunted to the point of extinction. While it is my thought that hunting is critical in providing food for some people and additionally to manage wildlife …show more content…

Animal cruelty is when pain and suffering is inflicted on an animal for reason other than self defense. This topic resonates with me because of my great respect and love for animals. Watching animals methodically perform is truly remarkable like those at sea world, as well as horse and dog racing. Is using animals for entertainment and gaming cruel? Some would say that forcing animals to perform for our amusement is cruel, others disagree opposing that the animals are well treated and performing the same acts they do in the wild. On this topic, my thoughts are somewhat conflicted, on one hand, professionally trained domestic animals live full happy lives and arguably receive extremely good care, care they would never experience as wild animals, on the other hand, how does one justify a 9,000 lb Orca that would swim upwards of a hundred miles per day in the ocean, living in a small pool. Regulations for the animal entertainment industry may have to be decided on a case by case, or animal by animal basis. Animals used in entertainment must be considered when writing laws for animal welfare. This topic also would be a prime choice for this assignment due to the plethora of available information, its relation to the current entertainment industry, and its stimulation of the passion I have for

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