Argumentative Essay

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Argumentative Synthesis Essay
Is higher education necessary to succeed in life? The answer is: Probably Yes. As Hsun stated “Learning, nothing is more profitable than to associate with those who are learned.” (Hsun Tzun 550) Higher Education gives the people the necessary knowledge that is require to live a more successful life.” Learning should not be ceased” (Hsun Tzun 546) meaning that learning should be the first priority of everyone. College education is the key to success. It helps people to open many doors of opportunity and allows people to open new paths for the future. As Gardner quoted that, “The people who are our students don’t really want the education. They want the education provides for them-better jobs, moving up in their career, the ability to speak up in meeting, that kind of student.”(Howard Gardner 623) College Education is a necessary ingredient for a good career and a comfortable life style. Without Higher Education, people will not accomplish their goals. In the process of getting higher education, people will get the knowledge necessary to succeed. More importantly, higher education is supposed to give people the necessary skills or experience need it for any career. Is everyone having access to Higher Education? Why not? No I don’t think so. These are the reasons; Budget cuts, State Funding is declining, Economy crisis, Tuition, Students debts, Low Income Class, Uncompetitive Education and Minorities.
State Funding to higher has significantly decreasing. The fiscal budge decreased state funding by $ 900 million to higher institutions. Johnson stated that “43 states have made significant reduce to higher education spending.” (Johnson 2010) This happen due to the “subprime mortgage crisis ”. Failing hou...

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...emic preparation are lower for minority students, with only 4 percent of African American students and 10 percent of Latino students meeting the benchmarks for all subjects.”(Learning Point Associates 3) This means that if students don’t get all the knowledge require while they are in high school, they are not going to have success in college. Furthermore, Student Financial Assistance indicates a highly unequal distribution of educational opportunity by family income. Of all students who are academically prepared for college, only 43 percent of low income and minorities’ high school graduates are projected to earn a bachelor’s degree, almost half the rate of their high income peers (80 percent). In addition, these low income and minorities who don’t receive, on average, the same level of academic preparation as their high income peers.” (Learning Point Associates 4)

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