Argument In Favor of School Uniforms

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School Uniforms have been debating about having uniforms in their school system for many years now. There are many advantages and disadvantages to requiring them, from court cases and many other different situations, school uniforms may be argued for many years to come. Whether people believe it or not, school uniforms do help with student attendance. Student attendance is one of the problems many schools face and the other problem is the school’s dress code policy. All students do have problems with their school’s dress code policy, with a uniform there wouldn’t be any one complaining about this other person getting away with a rule while this person gets in trouble for it.

Girls are always worried about what they are going to wear to school and how they are going to wear it. Us girls spend way too much time on that and we are sometimes are late for events like school. Surprisingly enough, guys worry about what they will wear for the next day. Like for the girl situation what shoes go with what shirt, and what that goes with their shoes. With teenagers always wanting different clothes to wear with different accessories and anymore clothes prices keep going up and half the time you are just paying for the name and the brand not because it will last you long time. Kids don’t how much it costs as long as they get it they are happy. When students get the uniforms they would wearing it only during the week, and on the weekend the kids could wear whatever they want (depending what time of the year it is). Plus the uniforms have different parts to them. They have a warm season set and then they have a cold set, so the students do not need to worry about a thing. Some schools partner with big well-known company. Uniforms would come fro...

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...known about how school uniforms have affected the students and the schools in such a positive way. All schools should have uniforms, their student’s behavior towards each other and their studies will change in a very positive way.

Work Cited

Hamilton, Jill. Dress Codes in Schools. Farmington Hills, MI: Green Haven Press, 2008. Print.

"Ironing Out Policies on School Uniforms." USA Today 5 8 2007, n. page. Print.

"School Uniforms Are Common in Other Countries." Silver International. Silver International Newspaper, n.d. Web. 16 Nov 2013.

"School Uniforms on the Rise." Parade Magazine 4 9 2013: 1&2.e. Print.

"School Uniforms." TEL. N.P., 6 11 2013. Web. 16 Nov 2013.

"Should Kids Wear School Uniforms." EduGuide. EduGuide, 11 11 2013. Web. 16 Nov 2013.

Wanamaker, Deanna. Personal Interview. 11 15 2013.

Wills, Josh. Personal Interview. 11 15 2013.

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