Argument Essay: Partial Birth Abortion

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Partial-birth abortion In Catholic social teaching, human life is considered to be sacred from the exact moment of conception to the occurrence of natural death. It is not dependent upon tangible means but instead originates from the God who created us. In other words, as stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church – the fifth commandment (n.d.), “human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end: no one can under any circumstance claim for himself the right directly to destroy an innocent human being." Thus, the life and dignity granted to every person by our Creator must be valued and protected throughout every stage of life. In essence, it is a person’s dignity that is seen as the very foundation of a moral image within our society. The primary and greatest basic principle of human rights is the right to live, leading those following the Catholic tradition to keenly work toward respect and justice in regards to humans …show more content…

Wade 1973, the Supreme Court constitutionalized the laws criminalizing or restricting women's rights and access to abortion. Proponents in support of abortion through this trial failed to acknowledge the criminal sanction in terms of causing death to an unborn child during the birth process of leaving the mother’s uterus. Pro-life supporters counteracted these acknowledgments, however, highlighting the idea that it would not be long before the same influences used to validate killing an unborn child would be used in the same respect to rationalize killing those alive. With partial-birth abortion still legally in effect within the United States, questions are being raised in terms of how far Congress will actually allow this to go and by what circumstances it will essentially be considered illegal (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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