Argument Against PED In Golf

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PED should not be in golf
PED in golf is a thing that i thought would happen rarely and would happens less than sports like baseball and football but apparently not. So I found some information on the issue and and apparently the PGA(professional golfers association) has a list of suspected PED takers. Now what i think is that PED shouldn’t be in golf because it’s not needed, this is also said for other sports. Now people can argue that it’s a simple sport and it won't change anything, but it will. I will now talk about this issue with the use of other sources, and what people have said. If the addition of Peds were there it would make the game less fun in fact because you could imagine a game were one guy took PED and the rest didn’t …show more content…

Now my reasoning on this, after i found new information about it is that I think that PED is used in golf a lot and i have support for this. “In 2014, WADA labs analyzed 507 urine samples -- golf does not do blood testing at any level -- and found eight "adverse analytical findings," which isn't exactly a positive test but suggests a sample came back with results suggesting a banned substance was found” ( and “ gary player estimated that at least 10 golfers around the world are using some form of performance-enhancing drug.” ( Now of these two examples the have one very strong similarity and i will tell you what it is. one is an actual test and the other is an estimate the comparison of these two is that compared to an estimate and a test is they both without a doubt, say someone has used PED in …show more content…

the testing they seem to do does sometimes have PED and i have prof with the supporting eveidence “ The radio silence is particularly concerning following reports ( ) and “Since the PGA Tour adopted an anti-doping program in 2008, only three players have been suspended by the Tour for using PED” ( ). This evidence helps me because it is talking about the testing like i said. This is apart of the problem because we have to know what there doing for testing and how many are doing it.

Now other people can argue that “drugs wouldn't be much of a benefit to a golfer because the game isn't just about strength” ( ) but i still feel it would. Now the claim is a little reasonable it's not all about strength, but the risk of taking PED, i dont think is worth. If you do think about it would you talk PED if it lowered your health rate? If you did you might want to think about it because you could be taking a huge

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