Argument Against Gun Control

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The fact of the matter is that it is already illegal to own an assault rifle; an assault rifle is defined as a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use, which is not what an AR-15 is. The AR-15 rifle is a semi-automatic rifle meant for the common citizen to use in sport shooting, hunting, and to keep unwanted things off of one’s property, such as coyotes and other animals. Semi-automatic firearms are not fully-automatic military machine guns. Gun control supporters say that semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 are “military-style assault weapons” designed for war on battlefields. The military uses fully-automatic rifles, which are regulated as machine guns by the National Firearms Act of 1934. A fully-automatic firearm …show more content…

She claims that nobody needs a gun to defend themselves, but something that she didn’t expect was that everybody would find out when her bodyguard applies for a concealed carry permit to protect her and her family, which goes against everything she’s said about guns and who should have them. People such as this have spawned a “gun control, but not for me” discussion about anti-gun politicians who decided to adopt the do as I say not as I do attitude about gun control. One Supreme Court justice thinks that five words should be added to the second amendment, while serving in the militia. Something the government is doing is using something called the slippery slope. It is a technique which is used to have one thing lead to another such as, a ban on magazines would lead to guns, which would lead to all weapons, which leads to dictatorships. If it were a children’s book it would be called if you give a liberal an inch. Gun control supporters demanding a ban on “assault weapons” have also demanded a ban on ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, most of which are designed for self-defense handguns. These gun and magazine bans should be rejected because these rifles are not military style rifles like the liberals

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