Arguement For Domestic Violence

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Nobody living on this Earth would like seeing anyone being physically abused. Domestic violence is important to me because they are women/ children/ men who are being abused and it is not fair that people who are wealthy are not paying the consequence for their actions. Domestic violence has been going on for a long time already, but the government started doing something about it in the 1970’s. However has it been applied to everybody or just a certain group? Has the law punished those of higher power? Men of high power should get punished for domestic violence because congress passed the violence against women act in 1994, just because they are important and rich doesn’t mean they can get away with domestic violence, it also shows a separation of social status in society. In 1994 congress passed an act called violence against women to protect them against any abuse. However more than three million children witness domestic violence every year. The couple aren’t the only ones who suffer in this situations …show more content…

This also shows people who are wealthy are favored. Domestic violence is still happening today. The reasons why are that women are not speaking up and using the VAWA, celebrities are not being punished, like they are supposed to, and they have an advantage because they are famous versus people who aren’t. This topic matters to me because both of my grandmas were physically abused by their husbands and it breaks my heart to hear my parents and their siblings talk about it because they were abused as well. Another reason why this topic is important to me because what will happen if male celebrities and men in generally silence a woman's voice. Would we go back to the old days where we didn’t have any rights? I’m scared that one day that would happen and all of the world’s females would

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