Are Too Dependent on Computers?

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Technology is expanding at a fast pace. We are discovering more ways to do things faster, and is making our lives easier. Computers are a part to our every day life; there are many reasons to why we are so captivated by the functions of computers. Forty-five years ago, most people had never seen a computer. Computers are creating both positive and negative consequences; however, research shows that some users may be addicted. Our generations are getting used to high technology. People are just using products such as computers because it makes their daily lives easier and they are able save time. Technology each year is getting developed with new and modern programs and software; this is why schools’ software is often updated to the newer ones. Computers, laptops, and smart-phones are being used so much; there is not need to learn how to write cursive or to have a nice handwriting. There’s no longer need for us to know basic math, if now all computers have calculators, even the Internet. Google is also there to help us find any question we might need help with. Spelling out words never got so easy after the introduction of computers, whenever we have a misspelled word, a computer will correct it for us. Everything has just got easier for us after we began to use computers and other high tech products. As children begin class in pre-k or kindergarten they start their day by learning how to use computers, for fun and for learning. A benefit that the computer has for students to learn is how it increases the child’s manual skill on operating the computers’ mouse and keyboard. Learning the keyboard and how to move the mouse around take’s time and practice. As the children are gaining skills they are also losing some because they... ... middle of paper ... ...who have used computers for an long time usually complain about headaches, and pain in their wrists, arms and neck, which can be fixed by relaxing and leaving the computer alone. (Rosenfield, 2011) In conclusion, computers have turned the world around in so many ways; there are so many parts in which our lives that make us dependent on computers that are unavoidable. I would have to agree that computers bring an advantage for us but it has an effect on our life. After all the research I think that some people are dependent on computers and some are not. We should use computer for working, learning and other important things, but never make a computer your entire life. The new generation is coming up with information too easily, just by a click or two. Technology is a wonderful thing, but we have to know when to stop, especially when something is becoming addictive.

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