Are The Taliban Good Or Bad

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Are the Taliban good? Or are they bad? There are several views on this “Islamic fundamentalist political movement,” in Afghanistan. In the western world we have developed an image about how wrong and dangerous the Taliban are which is why we may find it difficult to conceptualise any good of their intentions, myself included. It is important that we have some knowledge on the group before establishing personal opinions about them. Who are the Taliban, what are their goals and how do they affect the Afghan citizens?

Before the Taliban came to power in 1996, the Soviet Army of over 100,000 soldiers, from Russia invaded Afghanistan to power up the communist government (regime of President Najibullah) in the country. However, the Mujahideen, a …show more content…

Mullah Mohammed Omar, the supreme leader of the Taliban had strong beliefs for the “law of the Islam.” The Sharia law. A very strict interpretation of this law was implemented on the Afghan citizens. “Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand. A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death. A man can beat his wife for insubordination. Adultery committed by a married man or married woman is punished by ‘Rajm’ or stoning to death.” These are some of the brutally harsh restrictions ‘implied’ by the Sharia law. In addition to these laws being enforced, was the treatment of women by the Taliban. Women were forbidden to work outside of their home, or leave the home without a male relative, they were banned from going to school and burkas were made obligatory. All disobeying these ‘constraints’ would risk being beaten or shot. For example, the Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai in the head, as she went to school – an act to speak up for the rights of a girl’s education in Afghanistan. Living under the Taliban and their rules and restrictions, abuses many human rights, in which we are equally all entitled to. What right do they have to enforce these laws on the population of the country? What makes the Afghans have to follow them? If the Taliban’s goal was to restore peace in the country, what kind of peace does enforcing the Sharia law

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