Are Suspensions Ruining Students

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Are Suspensions Ruining Students’ Lives?

Why do we allow students to be suspended? What do they get out of it? What do they lose from it? Suspensions may have helped in the past, but times have changed. These students are different and suspensions work unsatisfactorily for them. Although suspensions may discipline a child through makeup work and such, suspensions should not be given to children because they demotivate the student, they increase miscommunication, and they give a child what they ultimately want, to go home.
When a student gets a suspension, they usually think it is short sighted and get aggravated and unmotivated. Brian Palmer, author of Why Do We Suspend Misbehaving Students? Don’t they want to go home?, says that “Students who have been suspended are three times more likely to drop out. Some researchers refer to a student who gives up on school after repeated suspension as a “push out” rather than a dropout.” He also says “In recent years, while Baltimore city schools have dramatically reduced suspensions, the dropout rate has been cut nearly in half. ” While it's plausible that suspensions may have a little positive effect on others rather than the person who got suspended, you cannot help everyone and you should try and help the most corrupt children. It stands to reason that giving a suspension will not …show more content…

David Bulley, author of School suspensions don’t work. It’s time for something better., Says “The rude whispering had nothing to do with her at all. Yes, the joke was dumb, but the anger from Cindy was based on a self-conscious and fear-based misunderstanding.” Students will get confused if principals just suspend them instead of having them understand and learn from it. Some may say that the reason doesn’t matter, but the action does. Moreover, students should be able to make corrections and fix their problems rather than just be wiped away from the

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