Are Same-sex Couples Really Welcome in the Church?

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Same-sex marriage is a topic often discussed in the Christian church. Christians will argue that it is immoral and it is corrupting the sanctity of marriage, while many politicians advocating for it will say that a ban against it violates the Fourteenth Amendment, granting all citizens "equal protection of the laws." The decision is being left to each state as to whether or not to allow same-sex marriages, and there have been numerous rallies and protests both for and against legalizing it. Shortly before a decision was made in Illinois, there was a rally in the capital by people who were pro-marriage. The very next day, there was another rally by an estimated group of 2,500 people who packed the Capitol rotunda and grounds and challenged lawmakers to uphold Christian teachings and ban same-sex marriage. Bishop Larry Trotter of Sweet Holy Spirit Church in Chicago called on Christians to "report for duty" to keep our country "moral" and prevent same-sex marriage from becoming a reality in Illinois (Garcia). The Christian church may believe homosexuality to be a sin, but the lack of tact that it is displaying in defending their views is driving homosexual people away from the church. A series of emails were sent to a Springfield church congregation around the time the Same-Sex Marriage Bill was being voted on. The first email, sent before the bill was passed in Illinois, asked for members to make their opposition to the bill known to the House of Representatives and ask them to vote against it and prolong the passing of the bill. The second, which was sent to the congregation after the bill was passed, called for a prayer service, which was to be a night of repentance and include a cry for revival. The latter included a se... ... middle of paper ... ...ably. Holding signs and yelling into bullhorns to tell people that they are sinners that need Jesus is only going to turn them away from the church, and it is going to make them feel persecuted and unwanted. Begging for congressmen to deny same-sex couples the same rights that opposite-sex couples will do nothing but cause their contempt for the church to grow. Compassion and understanding is what is going to make a person want to find Christ, not condemnation and small-minded judgment. Works Cited Garcia, Monique. "Gay Marriage Foes Rally in Springfield." n.p., 23 Oct. 2013. Web. 9 May 2014. The Holy Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2001. Print. Winfield, Nicole, and Rachel Zoll. "Pope: Obsession With Gays, Abortion Hurting Church." NBCUniversal Media, LLC, 19 Sep. 2013. Web. 9 May 2014.

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