Are Miracles Seen In Religion

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It is difficult to say whether miracles that were depicted in religious texts is good evidence to prove that God exist due to the fact that there is a split on opinions of this. To some they may believe in the reports of miracles but there are those who need to use logical reasoning for the supposed “miracle”. The definition of miracle is an extraordinary and welcoming event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine being. Now during the time that these religious texts such as the Bible were written the people were lacking a considerable amount of scientific knowledge there is today. Which can cause a miracle event during that time to be misinterpreted as a miracle as it is something that they …show more content…

There are two types of opinions regarding whether miracles as good evidence: those who believe in that particular faith believe it was the intervention of divine being or beings and what is said by the people who witness it have no reason to lie as they also believe in the same faith, and those who believe it was misinterpreted as a miracle based on lack of scientific knowledge in that period of time, especially in cases when it was a local single event. Another reason reports of miracles are not good evidence would be that cause those reports could be blown out proportion and what was thought to occur was changed, even unintentionally, based on how the people who witnessed those events written what had occurred. Just how we don’t accept second-hand testimonies in a court of law, as it is called hearsay, it is equally unreliable to deem it to be an accurate recount of events. One last question that is raised when regarding god’s existence would be how if in the monotheistic religions they believe there is their only one god but then what can explain the miracles that occurred in the other religions that were supposedly were done by those

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