Are Aliens Taking Us Out

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Aliens: Are They Taking Us Out?
The idea that human beings are the only sentient species in the entire universe has been a lonely thought for centuries. To think there are no other species that we can talk with makes us feel special, but it also makes us very alone. We look out at all that empty space and wonder, could it really be true? Could there be aliens out there that are just as sentient as we are? Could we find them? And if we could, would we be able to talk with them? These kinds of questions naturally turn back to us. Is it possible that they’ve already found us? Could they be walking among us, already talking to us? Could they be the explanation behind many of the missing people cases that have taken place around the globe? Popular …show more content…

The idea that Jacobs interviewed his subjects in his own home after teaching himself how to perform hypnosis suggests that he has not had professional training to ensure that he does not lead the stories for his subjects and there is no oversight to ensure that he is not implanting the memory in their minds himself. The idea of alien abductions is also too well-known in popular culture for anyone to be a reliable witness. “The contamination by the general culture of this idea. ... Movies, television programs, books, haunting pages of aliens, and television interviews with passionate abductees—all communicate to the widest possible community the alien abduction paradigm. So, it's not as if each abductee has been hermetically sealed from the outside world and has no input about what others are saying” (NOVA, 1996). Because these stories of alien abduction have been a part of popular culture for decades, Sagan is saying that no one is completely immune to the basic storyline. If anything, he says similar stories about alien abduction is really good evidence that the story itself is not good evidence. There should be ways in which the reality is different from the television portrayal of …show more content…

Not only do the proposed motives not make much sense, but their methods also seem highly inconsistent. It is reasonable to consider that aliens with the ability to travel through space to our planet and then remain undetected while they conducted experiments would be much more technologically advanced than we are. Looking at the progress we’ve made in just the last 1,000 years is amazing. Given all this, Sagan says it is naive to think that they would take this approach. “They seem strangely backward in biology for all their advances in physics, if you take it seriously. Why are they doing breeding one-on-one at such a slow pace? Why not steal a few humans, sequence our DNA, look at variations and make whatever genetic engineering changes they want. We almost have the ability to do that” (NOVA, 1996). If we are on the verge of producing offspring and experimenting with adjustments to DNA, why would we not assume the aliens would also have at least that ability. While the abduction stories provide no evidence that they actually took place, the events reported within the stories don’t make logical sense

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