Archetypes In Movies

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Have you ever seen a movie where a girl is in a problem and someone saves her, or the girls saves someone herself? Children's movies are a great example of archetypes just like the “Damsel in Distress." The definition of the Damsel in Distress is “a young woman in trouble (with the implication that the woman needs to be rescued, as by a prince in a fairy tale).” It’s where the woman gets in some type of dilemma that she needs help getting out of… usually by a man. However, society has made it dissipate throughout the years. As women got jobs and are doing the same things as men the archetype has mostly disappeared. The constant stereotype of women being the “Damsels in Distress” has pushed women to become more independent and stronger in …show more content…

Because back then women were considered the weaker sex and were expected to cater to the men. The men were the ones to do all the work, because the women were, in their eyes, incapable of doing so. Sleeping beauty is a big example of how women were being depicted as someone who needed to be saved or someone too weak to take care of themselves (Sleeping Beauty. Clyde. Walt Disney Pictures. 1959. Medium) Sleeping beauty was put into a sleeping spell. In the movie the only way she could have been saved was by her prince. He had to do many things to save her from the spell. She was the one who needed to be saved and he wa s the one to do the saving. Making her seem very helpless. Women were thought of as people who had to be saved if ever in trouble and were absolutely incapable of saving …show more content…

As you can tell the movies showed how things have changed over time. Sleeping beauty was very dependent on men and she wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for a prince saving her. Shrek is a very transitional movie, it showed Fiona was a princess who needed to be saved but could still stick up for herself. Brave is what women show now. They aren’t dependent on anyone and create their own path in life. They show what men they are made of as well as the rest of the world. Women have stopped being just a companion to the man and started becoming the main character of the movie. Women have started showing that they can be a lot more than just caretakers. Soon this stereo type will be completely gone and women will not be any different than the men in their

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