Archetype In Antigone's The Prince Will Return

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Like all tragedies, Antigone fits into one archetype in specific. This archetype is The Prince Will Return. In this play, Antigone represents the prince, she is the tragic figure. The play Antigone is best represented by The Prince Will Return archetype. This play features a heroine named Antigone, who represents hope. The hope however, is diminished when she decides to sacrifice herself for the good of the future. In doing this, she becomes the “scapegoat”. She believes that it is her destiny to be so. The character Antigone is meant to embody hope. Her role in the plot is to act as hope or support for characters like Haemon. It is him who says “It's you I love, and no one else” (page 187, Antigone, Jean Annouillgh), this exhibits his hope for their future together. The tragic force however, ensues when this hope is lost. The death of Antigone suggests the loss of hope. …show more content…

When she says “I never doubted for an instant that you would have me put to death” (page 199, Antigone, Jean Annouillgh) she is validating her faith in her own impending death. Antigone knows she is not meant to be alive, and so she chooses to give up her own life for the good of the future. Not only does she give her life for the future of others, but for common good. She subjects herself to imminent demise in order to bury Polyneices, because it is what she believes is just. Antigone's role in this play can be elucidated as the scapegoat. She chooses to relinquish her life for her family. After all the trouble her family has caused, she decides to take full responsibility. Antigone becomes persistent on accepting punishment on behalf of her family. This becomes clear when she says “Neither save me nor stop me” (page 203, Antigone, Jean Annouillgh) which dictates her complete awareness of the penalty she will inflict upon herself. It is Antigone’s choice to assume this role, she chooses to end her

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