Apush Dbq

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Winston Churchill once said to Neville Chamberlain, “You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.” After World War 1, a man by the name of Adolf Hitler slowly rose to power in Germany. He implemented tactics to win over his people, then worked to remove all opposition of his leadership and further went on to proclaim a union with Austria in 1938. After gaining control of Germany and Austria, Hitler wanted more. In September of 1938, he met with the prime minister of England, Neville Chamberlain for a negotiation about territory in Czechoslovakia. Germany claimed that the advance for the area of Czechoslovakia would be the last territorial invasion his troops would take. Chamberlain then signed the Munich Agreement along with Italy, Germany and France confirming that Sudetenland (region in Czechoslovakia) would be Hitler’s last demand. Chamberlain was strongly opposed to entering a war, and believed the deal would put an end to Hitler’s desires for expansion. …show more content…

A common position taken by Chamberlain supporters include the intention CHamberlain had to remain out of war, since the English people would not have supported a war in 1938, “... commonplace for ‘revisionist historians’ to portray Chamberlain not as a weak and ineffective leader but as a complex and able politician with a clear sighted approach to a foreign policy, who sought peace while at the same time preparing for war.” (McDonough, 2011) McDonough’s explanation why some historians support Churchill can be explained by the state that Britain was in after WW1. Even if Britain had been ready for war, the amount of damage and loss from the previous war left Britain in no place to be of aid to Czechoslovakia if they refused Hitler’s deal, claimed

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