Applying Paul's Epistle To The Philippians

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Biblical application plays a major role in Christians lives daily. Application is the most important action for Christians because without applying God’s word for the world to emulate, then the world would continue to be lost. “The first important foundation of good application and exegesis. Accurate identification of what the author was talking about and what he said about it is essential (Lecture 7).” The Bible will just become another normal book if Christians or believers do not apply it as they are taught. Paul writes, “What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:9, ESV).” Paul understood very clearly the important of applying the word of God daily.
Here we look at Paul’s epistle to the Philippians …show more content…

Pauls’ letter verses begin with the conclusion of a greeting to all saints. All the believers in Philippi regardless of your status; rich or poor, preacher or non-preacher Paul referred to them as “saints” or “holy one.” Paul mentioned in verse twenty-two that all saints will be added, meaning all believers in Christ Jesus, he was working with in Rome sending greetings to the Philippians. Today’s society have a different perception of saints as a special class of spiritual individuals. Paul’s greeting letter presents beliefs in the love and brotherhood in God the Father and of the established Christian church. Apostle Paul’s reference regarding the household of Caesar, it indicates his belief in Jesus’

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