Apple Cider Vinegar Research Paper

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The most popular of Apple Cider Vinegar Diets is a cleanse.
Acetic acid is considered an active ingredient that makes it less likely to gain body fat. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, along with nutrients such as vitamins B & C. Proponents of the diet clam that drinking apple cider vinegar (ACV) can increase the metabolism.
"It accelerates the body's ability to break down and derive nutrients from fats and proteins efficiently and quickly from the digestive system." Bowman, 2017
ACV also contains a fiber called Pectin. Pectin can be found in almost all fruits.
People have been known to use Pectin for high cholesterol, high triglycerides and colon/prostate cancers.
Ingesting Pectin can lower the desire to overeat …show more content…

2018 oDay 3: water and ACV. (still no tea or coffee!) oWater and fruit for breakfast and lunch, nothing else oVegi's only for dinner oDo not exert yourself today oThis final cleanse day is sparse on food, but it is meant to be the final cleanse day to rid the body of chemicals and unnatural substances. "3 Day Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Diet- Look and Feel Better." ACVD, 26 Jan. 2018 oThe acidic pH is good for the skin oDetoxifying for the liver oTreats dandruff oLowers blood sugars oDecreases over-eating oCan cause damage to tooth enamel oCan burn/irritate the esophagus oReduction in the rate the stomach empties (gastroparesis) oCan reduce potassium levels oLong term use can cause bone density

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