Appearence And Reality In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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Appearence and Reality in A Midsummer Nights Dream Appearance and Reality are very common themes in our daily lives, especially with the integration and use of technology. This is how Shakespeare stays relevant, and his works do too. I think the major theme behind William's use of these two, is to show us that things are not always as they seem. Hope, Confusion, Love and many others also play into this, and though his masterful writing, Shakespeare shows us how to handle these moments of crazy. When I think of appearance and reality, I first think of Bottom and Titania's strange love affair. When Oberon got mad, he put a spell on Titania to make her fall in love with whomever she saw next. This just happened to be Bottom, with a donkey's head. The next pages describe one of the strangest love affairs in the whole play, a play centered around …show more content…

Noche is a key example of how life isn't what is always looks like. The use of night is important in A Midsummer Nights Dream, because it represents when the two themes get blurred. When night falls, Puck places the magic potions on both Lysander and Titania. During night, a fight breaks out between childhood friends Helena and Hermia. Many strange things happen, and a good, clear assumption would be because of false imaging. The lovers' crossed relationships are a direct result of the shady blackness, creating messes, and dreams, and magic. I believe that Night represents illusions we all have, maybe in our heads, or through things we see. When Hermia sees both her suitors perusing the other girl, she becomes enraged. When Lysander accuses Demetrius of not truly loving Helena, reality transitions into appearance. Through the darkness, strange misleading misconceptions morph into fights, arguments and just really weird events. Night is a good and strong example of how we can perceive things to be very different than what they actually

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