Apostrophes Reflection

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Every time I would send a document up to my company office to be reviewed and submitted, it would be kicked back. Not because it was the wrong format, the wrong letter head, or not the right information. It was because of my writing abilities. Being in the Marine Corps, I never had the need to use proper writing styles to get the mission accomplished. All I needed to know was how to shoot, treat a wound and lead my fire team. But once I started being promoted the need for myself to start writing and typing grew. So I took this class to gain knowledge about the writing process, and how to better my writing abilities. I also wanted to set the example for my Marines and my kids, to show them that education can and will help make you become a better-rounded person. Throughout this essay I will be addressing: Subject-Verb Agreement, The use of pronouns, and Apostrophes. All of which I have had a terrible time with before this class.

Subject-Verb Agreement, I learned about in week 3 helped me with creating a better …show more content…

Until this class that is. I would just throw them on all willy nilly, not really caring where I put them. But thankfully week 7 came to my aid when I had to learn all about the exciting world of apostrophes. Apostrophes are used to signify possession. So when I write “kody’s bike” the bike belongs to Kody so I put an apostrophe. But If a word ends with an "s" because it is plural, and it is also being used as a possessive, then we will place the apostrophe after the "s”, as in "my two dogs’ bones." Apostrophes are also used to mark contractions, which are combinations of words that some letters have been taken out. We would then place the apostrophe in the position of the missing letters in the word. For example, "it is" is contracted as "it’s." Contractions took a little while for me to progress through but I can say I am better at them than I was before this

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