Apology Letter To A Doctor

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First, I apologize for putting you in this position. I'm hopeful that this email may give some peace to you. I've realized that so very little of my behaviour in my life has been for others. As an addict, I was self-centred to the extreme. Realizing this, I am trying to take any opportunity I can to live in truth and to think of other's first. I know this is not easy for you. As, given the facts, I don't expect a decision to be positive for me, I wanted to share this. It's important that you know, no matter what the outcome, you literally saved my life. First, as per doctor's orders, since March 15th, I've been endlessly reading about my condition and attending daily (sometimes 2 per day) AA/NA meetings as well as complying with all other treatment. I have 4 months and 2 days sobriety. I have a sponsor, I'm working diligently through the 12 Steps and learning about my disease …show more content…

I won't be that person who doesn't accept my disease every again. This, however, does not absolve me from taking responsibility for my past actions. In fact, the only road to recovery is full acceptance of my character defects and past wrongs (Step 4 and 5) and to make amends for those (Step 8 and 9). If, as I suspect, I'm terminated, I fully accept that fate with all the love and gratitude for you that I have in me. I am lucky to be alive and this process, accepting my disease, and getting treatment has indeed saved my life. If I'm retained, I will prove day in and day out (I really do love my job and the public service) how responsible/reliable/honest I've become and how truly grateful I am for you saving my life. I will carry that with me every day at work and every day of my new sober life. In either outcome, I am truly humbled and filled with gratitude for this, and I owe you a huge personal, spiritual

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