Ap Psychology Case Study Jane Doe

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Psychological Diagnosis: John and Janet Doe brought their 16 year-old daughter, Jane Doe, into my office for evaluation. They are concerned about her regression in academic function. To gather more information for my evaluation, I interviewed Jane, her mother, and one of her teachers, and gathered Jane’s educational and medical records. I obtained further data from behavioral observation and standardized psychological testing. After collecting all of the information I needed, I have concluded that Jane has developed Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD).
Support for Psychological Diagnosis:
People with SAD are fearful or anxious about social situations (e.g. social interactions, being observed, or performing in front of others) in which there is a possibility that they may be scrutinized by others. They fear that if they act a certain way, or show anxiety symptoms, that they will humiliate themselves and offend others. Being in any social situation almost always triggers their anxiety; so, people with SAD attempt to avoid them, or at least endure them with intense anxiety, even though the threat posed by the situation is not as bad is they are perceived by the person with SAD. The anxiety and/or avoidance causes significant distress or impairment in social functioning to the person who has …show more content…

Only half of patients who take medication will respond well. Symptom improvement is only between 20% and 40% on average. Side effects, although they’re usually mild, are common; and you must continue taking the medication for a long period – otherwise the symptoms will return. Furthermore, they have not been proven to be more effective in reducing SAD than CBT. Even though the medication DCS was more effective in extinction, it does not improve the response and remission rates of the CBT intervention as compared with placebo. It primarily initiates the treatment effect sooner, but it does not amplify the effects of

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