Ap Euro Dbq Essay French Revolution

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The advantages that these pieces of art have are that they easily communicate to their audience. The ideas come across easy to understand by people who were both literate and nonliterate at the time. They concentrate on representing simple ideas to their audience and distinctly show political perspective. However, on the flip side, they tend to only show one side of an opinion, not both. This doesn’t allow for a person to see both sides and limits them to one opinion. They also only show a vague story and don’t deeply go into the underlying factors of the Revolution.
Source 16.1 shows the time period of when the people believed that everyone could live at peace with each other. It shows a hopeful future of the clergy, nobility and the commoners getting along. This time period lasted only three years of the revolution (1789-1791). Source 16.2 illustrates when people realized that instead of peace, the three estates switched class rolls. The figure represents three male figures of the three different estates of old France where the third estate member breaks free from the control of the clergy and nobility. Source 16.3 illustrates the time where christians and catholics were attacked and had their churches/ faiths taken away from them by the revolutionary government in an attempt to finance France’s wars. …show more content…

The first source shows the attempt to eliminate the three different estate levels and make everyone fall on the same social level in society. The second source shows when the third estate had more revolutionary power than the clergy and nobility. The third source shows when the state tried to take wealth from the churches to pay for their war expenses. The fourth source shows when the people executed a French monarch and figured out a way to establish a republic. The three estates still persisted after the revolution ended in a social class

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