Antony And Cleopatra Vs Antony And Cleopatra

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s the creative genius behind countless literary masterpieces, William Shakespeare has contributed to the world of literature through his relatable characters, intriguing plots, and relevant themes. With such conducive forces, Shakespeare is inevitably the most film adapted author of all time, as over 831 film adaptations credit his works as a basis for the storyline. A film adaptation is known to be a derivative work, as it is the execution of a written work through a feature film. Although several filmmakers choose to define their works as Shakespearean film adaptations, they fail to realize that several films fall into the comparative category of film interpretations. Film interpretations are defined to be a more conceptualized version of a written work. The variation of the two categories is highly evident in the motion picture versions of the Shakespearean plays Antony & Cleopatra and Twelfth Night. The elements of speech, setting, theme, and use of disguise effectively highlight the difference between an adaptation and an interpretation. When comparing Twelfth Night and Antony & Cleopatra to their respective films, one identifies that as Antony & Cleopatra’s adaptation is more “word for word,” it keeps the true essence of the written work, versus the interpretation of Twelfth Night, which does not capture the Shakespearean touch overall. The strength behind the speeches found within Antony & Cleopatra is visually brought to life in the 1972 film adaptation of the same name, respectively. The descriptive forces behind the speeches have highly influenced the play by way of words, and it has subsequently impacted the feature film by providing a detailed vision for the filmmakers. Evident during the famous “Barge she sat on”... ... middle of paper ... ... quotation shows that Egypt, the land of Cleopatra, is a place of comfort and natural ambience. This description practically characterizes Cleopatra, as she is blessed with the art of seduction and confidence; contrastingly different from the level headed Roman, Antony. The emphasis on the deeper meaning of the setting is evident within film adaptation as all of the domineering love scenes within the movie are filmed in the Egyptian setting, versus the Roman. Shakespeare always placed an importance on the role that Egypt play in seduction. The character portrayal of Cleopatra by actress Hildegarde Neil is essential as it represents everything that is Egypt. Neil masters the art of seduction through her role, as she effectively reveals how Cleopatra shapes Antony into a victim of seduction. Furthermore, the use of the theme of morality through cross-dressing in

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