Antoinette Beneduci Wellness Model

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Slide 1: Hi, this is Antoinette Beneduci and I will be presenting my power point on wellness for older adults. During this power point presentation you will be learning the different aspects of wellness, which will focus on the entire being: mind, body and spirit. I hope you enjoy my presentation. Slide 2: Life expectancy has been increasing through the years due to the advancement of medicine and treatment and also as a result of wellness programs. Many programs have become popular among employers and companies are providing incentives for their employees to join a wellness program. In addition, nursing homes and assistive living facilities are also incorporating wellness programs in order to provide a healthier and better quality of life …show more content…

These health conditions can be prevented among the older growing adult population by providing them with wellness programs that educate on preventing these diseases and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Slide 6: Wellness Model Slide 7: I believe the concept of wellness should be based on the whole person. The individual's physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and vocational wellness should all be included to assist an individual to live life to their fullest potential and have a better quality of life. Slide 8: The more times an individual participates in physical activities, the more health benefits they will gain. Taking part in physical activities can prevent health problems that are generally related to aging. Being physically active keeps an individual independent and not having to rely on other people to care for them.

Physical activity programs such as walking and those that promote flexibility, balance, muscular strength, cardiovascular strength and endurance should be done daily. Examples such as, walking at a fast pace, dancing, bike riding, and even cutting the lawn with a push lawn mower, should be done for a minimum of 10 minutes, …show more content…

For example, lifting weights (8 – 12 repetitions), using resistance bands, doing push ups or sit ups, taking a yoga class and doing gardening work such as digging or shoveling dirt. These types of muscle strengthening exercises can be done in the home or at a gym. Performing more vigorous aerobic exercise such jogging or running can be done for one hour and 15 minutes, weekly along with adhering to the required muscle strengthening exercises. Any type of physical activity is more beneficial than not doing anything at all. Swimming and/or water exercise programs, chair yoga, Pilates or dancing all promote physical wellness and increase social

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