Antihero Essay/Critical Analysis

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A hero is someone who cares more for the well being of others than for themselves. A hero is selfless, brave, determined, humble, and valiant. A hero is someone that despite their challenges looks past themselves and sees the greater good that should and must be done. An antihero simply put, is the complete opposite of a hero. They are proud, entitled, uncaring, and most of all selfish. They do not look towards the needs of others but rather look towards other to fulfill their own selfish desires. Despite the masks that an antihero may wear, a person’s character always eventually reveals its true self. In the story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” the antihero is debatable. Very few characters display heroic traits yet the antihero still remains unclear. The question is really only between the Misfit and the Grandmother. However I believe the antihero in Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find” is the grandmother. Despite her original appearance of character the hints of her true nature build up throughout the story. At first it may seem obvious that Misfit, an escaped convi...

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