Anti Federalists Research Paper

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I would support the anti-federalists if I was born in that time era. The anti federalist worked to ensure the state’s rights. They thought that the government had too much power. They also had differences about the constitution. They believed that the bill of rights was something that must be in the constitution to guarantee individual rights. Federalists:The federalist believed that a strong central government would be necessary for the newly developed nation. In the quote “In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates.” , they are saying that the national government has more power over the states government. They believe in not only a strong central government but also a national bank and also to tax the states …show more content…

In the quote " In the new Constitution, the President and Senate have all the executive, and two thirds of the legislative power... ", The anti federalists believe that the constitution gave the federal government too much power. They resent the ideal that states were to be tax for the well being of the federal militia because they believe that having one is unnecessary( " As long as we can preserve our unalienable rights, we are in safety.“ ). The anti federalist were some what of "individual rights warrior". They believe the constitution needed the bills of right to protect individual rights due to the overwhelming threat of power from the federal government. They refused to ratify the constitution unless the bills of right was included. Opinion: I don't agree with the first quote because both governments should work together to resolve problems. How the federal government want to distribute the power seems too much like a give and take kind of relationship. Like a marriage, there should be a balance in power rather than one having more power over the other; that's not a very good relationship, rather it is a dominance relationship. I, however, do agree with the second quote. The majority(land owning-white men) should not be the only one to participate in political events. In a country(at that time) where the number of black slaves outnumbered whites in the south, the idea of only successful …show more content…

Although there is a limited power between each of the branches, all of the powers are held within the federal government. There is little to no room for the state government to get involved. Going back to what my first opinion was, there should be a balance in power between the states and federal because things like the civil war might occur again. I, however, disagree with the second quote. How can we preserve our rights when a foreign nation threaten those same rights? I believe a federal militia is completely relevant because I believe in the idea of being prepared for the worse rather than being

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