Anti-American Propaganda

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North Korea and Oceania?
“Totalitarianism is a form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government.” (Britannica) The dystopian novel 1984 by George Orwell creates a time where government has total control over the people of Oceania. Only the most privileged live a happy life and do not have to deal with being vaporized or killed. On the other hand Winston Smith and his middle to lower class citizens have to worry about being executed constantly. This displays that their individual freedom is totally gone. The leader of this abusive government is a character by the name of Big Brother. Looking at how this fictional country …show more content…

According to Dictionary, propaganda is defined as, “Official government communications to the public that are designed to influence opinion. The information may be true or false, but it is always carefully selected for its political effect.” Anti-American propaganda can be found throughout Kim Jong Un’s country of North Korea. Through the propaganda that is displayed throughout North Korea, the citizens of this country are influenced to hate America. Many of North Korea’s anti-American propaganda are displayed in the capital called Pyongyang. Kim Kwang Hyon of USA Today wrote an article explaining how young children in the country of North Korea learn to hate the United States. Hyon states, “‘Our children learn from an early age about the American bastards,’ she says, tossing off a phrase so common here that it is considered an acceptable way to refer to Americans.” Hyon’s point is that Kim Jong Un’s influence on children in North Korea to hate the U.S. is relentless. Hyon explains more when she writes, “A framed poster on the wall of a kindergarten classroom shows bright-eyed children brandishing rifles and bayonets as they attack a hapless American soldier, his face bandaged and blood spurting from his mouth.”Hyon is insisting that the life as young child in North Korea is truly unlawful and unjust. Children should never learn to hate others and it makes it even worse when they perform violent acts to show their hate. Even though the Unites States fought against the North Korean’s in the Korean War, people of this country should realize that it was a long time ago and they should stop the anti-American Propaganda. According to Hyon, “North Korean students learn that their country has had two main enemies:…the U.S., which fought against North Korea during the 1950-53 Korean War.” Hyon’s point is that one of the main reasons why these citizens of North Korea hate the U.S. is because of the

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