Antecedent Behavior Consequence

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As an 11-year-old, sixth grade student, Angel was diagnosed with ADHD and a Specific Learning Disability in reading. He tends to be argumentative with other peers and adults thus, it is common for him to get into trouble when lining up and during recess. He also tends to sharpen his pencil often and says inappropriate things to his peers during class lessons. In addition to making comments, he has been know to take other students belongings and rarely completes an assignment or homework. Angels Individualized Education Program team conducted an Antecedent Behavior Consequence (ABC) analysis to determine the frequency of his behaviors, his interaction with peers, consequences and any teacher comments. In this analysis, his disruptions included being …show more content…

With this being said and the analysis being complete, Angel had a total of nine incidents in a two day period. On the first day, Angel asked Johnny “What are you looking at? Keep your queer eyes off of me!” as he was returning to his desk from sharpening a pencil. The teacher redirected both students, giving Angel a warning while reminding him to be respectful. He also took Gina’s paper way from her after he returned to his desk from sharpening a pencil again. At this point, the teacher intervened while he was ripping the paper. On the second day, Angel took Johnny’s homework and while he was looking for it, Angel was laughing. The teacher instructed Angel to return Johnny’s homework. At another point in the day, Angel tapped Nick’s shoulder and told

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