Anschluss: United States Anticipate In The Spanish Civil War

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Section 1:
Define/identify the following key terms/people: sanction: Penalties appeasement: Giving in to the demands if an aggressor to keep the peace pacifism: Opposition to all war
Anschluss: Union of Austria and Germany
Using complete sentences, thoroughly answer the following questions:
How did Japan, Italy, and Germany test the resolve of western democracies before 1937? Explain how other countries participated in the Spanish Civil War.
Japan, Italy, and Germany tested the resolve of western democracies before 1937 when Japan seized Manchuria, China in 1931. Hitler tested the resolve of western democracies and found it weak when he violated the Treaty of Versaille by building up his armies and sending troops to the demilitarized zone near France. Then Italy used their military power to invade Ethiopia for Mussolini ambitions. Hitler and Mussolini sent their troops to help Franco with 37,000 volunteers from Germany, Italy, Soviet Union and western democracies.
Identify major acts of German aggression in 1938 and 1939.
In 1938 German propaganda had found fertile ground in Austria. Hitler was ready to engineer Anschluss the union between Germany and Austria. He forced the Austrian government to appoint Nazis to key position in the Austrian cabinet and anyone who opposed he were silent quickly. The next …show more content…

It was successful in the air with the airplanes bombing cities and factories and land with fast moving tanks against the Polish army on the west and Stalin's forces attacking from the east. The Germans did the same against Norway and Denmark which fell quickly. The German forces flooded France and forced them to surrender. The axis armies also pushed into North Africa Pushing the British all the way into Cairo, Egypt. The Nazi advancement in technology revealed their power of modern warfare. Developing deadlier bombs or creating

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