Annotated Bibliography: The Justice Professional

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Annotated Bibliography
Cassandra L. Simons. The Justice Professional, 2001-11-01, Vol. 14(4), pp. 345-356. Overseas
Publisher Association, Web. 2014-10-04
This chapter of The Justice Professional discusses the antisocial personality disorder that many serial killers encompass. It describes the different types of serial killers that include the visionary sadistic killer, mission-oriented sadistic killer, hedonistic sadistic killer, control-oriented sadistic killer and the predatory sadistic killer. Similarities in murder cases that link serial killers together is a large portion of this chapter that also talks about childhood struggles and the development of irregular sexual behaviour. It was found that the antisocial personality …show more content…

Family plays a major role in a child’s development and the author explains what may happen if there is an element missing. It has been found that single-parent families lacking a fostering environment can create an introverted person and if they do not have someone to help them discern between right and wrong, it can lead to violent behaviour and murder. It was also found that when a young child is exposed to sexual material with violence, it can influence them to recreate these scenes when they grow up. This article will help in explaining how ones family life can alter their behaviour for better or for …show more content…

It discusses childhood characteristics and how those behaviours lead into their more violent and aggressive adolescent behaviours. It has been found that more than half of men have some sort of sexual fantasies whether they are violent or not and that a serial killer will fantasize and replay these fantasises in their minds until they are perfected enough to demonstrate in real life. This article will serve a purpose in discussing more concepts of serial killing and describing in more detail about what fantasies can lead into one becoming a future serial killer.

Thesis Statement
In this paper, I will be discussing the different aspects and motives behind serial killers actions.
Essay Outline
- Define what a serial killer is o One who murders three or more people over the course of three months in which there is a period of time where there are no killings; a “cooling off period”
- Talk generally about serial killers and why there is such a fascination with them
- Talk about what happens during the cooling off period
- State research question
- State thesis statement
Motives and Influences:
- Discuss different

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