Annotated Bibliography Study Abroad

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Annotated Bibliography: Studying Abroad Traveling the world is often an enriching experience that everyone at one point in their life should encounter. Travel is often a popular hobby and adventure for one to embark on. There is a human found curiosity about other people that inhabit this planet we live on. Studying abroad is often an option for many students in college, it is not only encouraged by educators, but it is a highly viewed option for earning credits. It can be scary for one to decide to leave their home country and venture out into a new environment, education system and culture to experience. Studying abroad can be difficult for some, but for others, it can be a new adventure just around the corner. Studying in another …show more content…

It was assumed that the author states that a national identity could only be seen during the time that one chooses to study abroad. Dolby states that this idea should not be true because it can cause others to have a stereotype or stigma about American students. Studying abroad can shape the future of studies and America. The author writes about the students she chose to study in my opinion with a bit of a bias. Yes, there is a certain celebrity to being an American and that can cause issues with stereotypes but that is not always the case.
Kinginger, Celeste. “Identity and Language Learning in Study Abroad” 46.3.(September 2013): 339-583. UNLV library database. Web. 31 March 2016 The author addresses the issues of the identity issues one experiences when studying abroad, also she brings up how language learning is different in other countries. I loved how she brought up each of these issues and addresses them as if she was taking it from her personal experiences. It brings to light the issues that might occur during studying abroad if a student decided to. Also she brings up how studying abroad is intricately

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