Annotated Bibliography On Organizational Behavior

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Adelman, K. (2012). Promoting employee voice and upward communication in healthcare: The CEO influence. Journal of Healthcare Management, 57(2), 133-

Adler, N. J. and Gundersen, A. 2008. International dimensions of organizational behavior. South-Western Pub.

Ahmed, T., Mouratidis, H., & Preston, D. (2009). Website design guidelines: High power distance and high-context culture. International Journal of Cyber Society and Education, 2(1), 47-60.

Albrecht, S.L. (Ed.) (2010), Handbook of Employee Engagement: Perspectives, Issues, Research and Practice, Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham

Appelbaum, E. 2002. The impact of new forms of work organization on workers. In:
Murray, G. (Eds.)Work and employment relations in the high-performance workplace. London: Continuum, 120–149.
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and Batt, R. L. 1994. The new American workplace: transforming work systems in the United States. ILR Press, New York.
Arnold, J.A., Arad, S., Rhoades, J.A., &Drasgow, F. (2000). Theempowering leadership questionnaire: The constructionand validation of a new scale for measuring leaderbehaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21, 249–269.
Atd: 2014 State of the Industry Report.
Auerbach, C. and Silverstein, L. B. 2003. Qualitative data: an introduction to coding and analysis. NYU press.
Avey, J. B., Luthan, F, and Mhatre, K.H 2008. A call for Longitudinal research in positive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29(5) 705-711.
BMI Research (2015), Kuwait Oil and Gas report.
Babbie, E. (2009). The practice of social research. Belmont, CA. Wadsworth/Thomson.
Bakker, A.B. (2010). Engagement and “job crafting”: Engaged employees create their own great place to work. In S.L. Albrecht (Ed.), Handbook of employee engagement: Perspectives, issues, research and practice. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar.
Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E. and Euwema, M. C. 2005. Job resources buffer the impact of job demands on burnout. Journal of Occupational

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