Anniston: The Freedom Riders

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Freedom riders are people that went around the world riding on buses and telling people about Jesus Christ. “In the original group, there were thirteen people in it. There were seven African Americans and six whites" ( How they were treated was awful. “When they would go somewhere there would be whites outside their bus door to beat them up" ( There is this one story that happened in Anniston, Alabama on May 14, 1961. “This is how it goes so the Greyhound the bus for the freedom riders arrived in Anniston, Alabama and there was an angry mob waiting at the bus stop, so the driver missed his exit. When the whites saw this, they started to run after the bus and when the tires went out. And this one white person threw a bomb in the bus and it made the freedom riders get out of the bus. When the freedom riders got out of the bus the people waiting outside the bus had baseball bats and clubs to beat them up and almost everyone on the bus had to go to the hospital and this happened in Montgomery to" ( Skiff 5 “When the core (a part of the freedom riders) couldn’t …show more content…

“As soon as he heard for riders Robert Singleton remembers, fired up and ready to go” 9Smithsonian). “He and his wife, Helen, had both been active in the National Associated for the Advancement of Colored People and they took 12 volunteers with them from California” (Smithsonian). Peter Ackerberg, a lawyer who now lives in Minneapolis, said that while he’d always talked a big radical game, he also had never acted on his convictions” (Smithsonian). Peter Ackerberg also said, “The black guys and girls were singing… They were so spirited and so unafraid. They were really prepared to risk their lives” (Smithsonian). “John Lewis then was 21 and already a veteran of sit-ins to desegregate lunch counters in Nashville, was the first Freedom Rider to be assaulted”

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