Anne Marie Slaughter's Why Women Still Can T Have It All

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Anne Marie Slaughter’s “Why Women still can’t have it All” at first glance seems like a derogatory article towards feminists everywhere; it is in fact an accurate depiction on how hard it is for women to really have it all with the way employers have designed their schedules and expectations of employee’s. Mrs. Slaughter is an established woman who was the first female director for policy planning at the State Department in Washington; after two years in a position that was incredibly coveted and prestigious she decided that her family was more important to her. Slaughter makes an important key point in the beginning of her article that women are fighting a battle on gender roles whether; they choose to fulfill the motherly caring and nurturing stereotype that they’ve been slated with for the past 100 years or if they decide to completely desert their families to become workaholics. So what is the right choice for women and how does one decide what is the right choice for their specific situation? Slaughter has made it abundantly clear in her article that there is no correct choice for any woman the balance between work and family is going to be different for every individual. But …show more content…

This an ostentatious and quite frankly a ridiculous expectation from the average woman because day to day life is not designed to make it easy for single mother’s or struggling families to thrive in an unfriendly work environment. Slaughter says this is another reason why women cannot have it all because today the percentage of single mother’s or women supporting their husband’s in order to find jobs is so much higher. It has become increasingly apparent that the economic status today has put even more stress on the average family; finding jobs with a college degree is a struggle and without one it is even

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