Anne Graham Lotz Women's Ministry

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“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them,” Genesis 1:27. Genesis 2 shares the story of Adam and Eve flourishing in the Garden of Eden. Their one condition was to not eat of a certain tree. However, they chose to focus on what they could not have rather than on the abundance they did have. So too have believers treated the biblical admonition against women in ministry. They focus on a single thing that is off limits and fail to see the abundant opportunities and roles God offers. This has often led to extrabiblical limitations on women’s ministry. The basic element of God’s creation of male and female lies at the heart of some of the greatest joys and pains of human existence. How humans …show more content…

Ever since the story of Eve, it has been human tendency to reject God’s word. No Christian ministry is exempt from the temptation to focus more on human desires and needs that on God’s provision and revelation of himself. Women’s ministry in particular can easily become about women’s issues rather than about women gathering together to hear and respond to God’s word. Anne Graham Lotz shared a story from her early years of itinerant ministry. She answered God’s call to speak, and one of her first opportunities was to address a large gathering of pastors. As she walked to the lectern, she was astounded to see many of the pastors leaving or turning their chairs around to put their backs to her. Others faced her with no less than hostile expressions of rejection. She admitted that she was confused and ashamed. Following her address, Anne retreated to the Spirit. She wondered how godly men could find what she was doing so offensive and why they would stage such a demonstration. Anne wondered if she misunderstood her calling. The pastors had told her that women do not belong in the pulpit or on a platform when men are

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