Anne Frank Research Paper

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Almost everyone has heard the tragic story of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl that died in a concentration camp during World War II, but how did her brave, widely spread story come to an end. Anne Frank and her family lived in a “Secret Annex” in the building of her father’s, Otto Frank’s, work building. The Franks along with the van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer, lived in hiding for a little over two years together until they were found and arrested by the German Gestapo. The Gestapo otherwise known as Geheime Staatspolizei or Secret State Police arrested the group of Jewish people on August 4, 1944. They were taken to Westerbork(a transit camp), the three women were then sent to Auschwitz and later to Bergen-Belsen. Otto Frank, Anne’s father, was the only member from the “Secret Annex” to …show more content…

To many people, it didn’t make sense to continue to investigate a dead person. This means that anyone who died while being investigated could really be the betrayer. If the judges just stopped the investigation, they would never find the verdict of the suspect. One example of this happening is Willem van Maaren. Van Maaren had been the head warehouseman of the company and was not in on the secret, but he had his suspicions. This shows that since Willem van Maaren was a very nosy person in general, and he even set traps to find the truth, he could have been the betrayer. He may have discovered the families living there and was scared for his life and job. Lastly, after he died his investigation no longer continued. Shortly after the war, van Maaren was investigated for betrayal because of his sneaking around, but no evidence was found, and the investigation later reopened in 1963. Furthermore, after his death in 1971, historians no longer continued their investigations on him. In other words, van Maaren could have easily been the betrayer, but once historians stopped investigating they got rid of another possible

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