Anna Moor Park Research Paper

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ANNIE ISABELLA COOK, named after her maternal grandmother but always known as Anna, was born on the 19th of July 1938 at 15 Moorpark Road West in Stevenston. She was baptised at Stevenston High Kirk in October. She resided with her mother at 17 Moorpark Road West and was of-ten looked after by her grandmother and namesake, Annie Isabella (née Haire, formerly Grant) Calvert, who lived upstairs at number 15. Anna provides the following description of the neighbourhood of her earliest youth: The area we lived in was known as ‘the Caley’ due to the proximity of the Caledonian Railway. It consisted of 4 streets, Moorpark Road West, Burnbank Street, Arthur Street and Hillside Street. Hillside, Burnbank, Arthur, and part of Moorpark formed a square. The part of Moorpark where I lived did not form part of the square, which meant there were no houses opposite us. It was a large community, there must have been close to 100 houses. It was mainly families, some older people in fact my mother and her brothers all grew up there as did a lot other families. It was a “happy childhood in a close neighbourhood.” The community was perhaps brought together by its shared experi-ence of the war. It was a community dominated by women, with the men away in the Forces – including Anna’s own father and …show more content…

“Back then,” she wrote, “children were not prepared like they are today for the arrival of a new baby in the family. After being the only child for such a long time it was a bit of a shock to have to share with this new little person.” Previously her uncles, George Calvert and David Grant, had spoilt her. John’s arrival meant the sharing of those attentions and many others. Nevertheless, Anna became very proud of her “little red haired brother”, who she would take out in his pram. In his early schooldays, whenever he was bullied for “being a ginger”, Anna had his back, at least until he was big enough to fight his own

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