Animosity In The Police

988 Words2 Pages

Police officers are a sign of protection, safety and justice. Their presence around a community is to help establish the feeling that the community is under watch all the time, helping some feel at ease, while making others feel tension and hatred. The past activities of a police force have left everlasting impressions in some people’s minds, making them feel that the police is out to get them, not help them, then pushing these feeling of animosity onto the next generation. This type of behavior is a continuous chain reactions, making the police out to be the bad guys, making the police work harder to prove that the past does not define the present or the future.
This animosity comes from the many generations of slavery and imprisonment of African American from Whites. Before slavery was abolished, White treated African Americans like their property, to do so with as they pleased, in any manner they wished, including beating and starving the men and using the woman as intimate partners against their will. After the slaves were set free, the bad blood between the two ethnic groups continued, from the segregation to the KKK, there was always a reason for African Americans to feel as though they were targeted. Police officer rarely helped African Americans, more or less pushing them back in the gutter where they felt they belong. Police did not help all citizens, only those who matched their own skin color, class, or needs. Due to this mis-justice, next generation African Americans believed that all cops were bad, not giving it a second thought, or a chance to be proven different.
Throughout time, there were changes to the way Whites looked at African Americans, learning they related more than they had thought. The civil rights mov...

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... in their native tongue or who knew the traditions and how to show the proper respect, which too many, was the failing issue they had with the previous police force.
Humanity is not perfect, it never will be, we will continue to make mistakes, forcing us to learn from them, grown from them and come up with a new way to live. The past is a guiding light for what we do not want to be, leading us to always look forward to the future and how we can help fight for it, defend it. Police officers have made their share of these mistakes, the mistakes of those before them haunt them today, leaving them with no choice but to fight and prove those they serve they are not like that, they are strong, better and more accepting of all individuals. The police force is a sign of safety, they can only keep communities safe if the communities returns the favor and keeps them safe.

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