Animal Testing: The Negative Effects Of Research On Animals

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Imagine killing a multitude animals a day by using products people use today. Today, millions of animals are put at risk by scientist who do research on them. Ryan Ballinger from Indiana State University was in a research lab and experience this traumatizing event, “Many products such as cosmetics, chemicals and even bath products are tested on animals. Sometimes it gets in their eyes and can harm them enough to make them lose hair or even their lives” (Ballinger 1). Cosmetics, research, and medical are some of the ways animals are being used for these researches. Some people in modern day society do not even know what is going on behind all the products which annoys many. Animals are being slowly tortured in less than ten minutes through many …show more content…

For instance, these chimpanzees. These chimpanzees were put to torturous devices in order to achieve what the researchers were testing for. “animal testing, have shown that chimpanzees used in animal test can exhibit symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder…” (“Animal Testing” 3). Post-traumatic stress disorder is caused when your in combat at war and see a fatal scene of one of your close army men. If people who roam the streets of today were put into post-traumatic stress disorder, it will be havoc. Moreover, sometimes these monkeys just sound like a waste to these scientist. “They’re scalded by chemicals on their skin and eyes, shoved into tubes no larger than their bodies and forced to breathe noxious fumes” (“Animal Testing” 3). Monkeys should not be treated like people could just throw them out, they should be treated like actual people. To finalize, animals should not be treated terribly. Animals lives matter, but these scientist treat the animals poorly. For instance, “Animals used in chemical testing-always alive and fully conscious - are never given pain relief…” (“Animal Testing” 3). Why would the scientist do this kind of experimenting to them? If these animals are getting hurt without giving any medicine and not getting cared for properly, people should not have animals in today’s society. However, today everybody should respect the animals because they were put onto planet Earth for a reason, to

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