Animal Testing Is Wrong

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Animal Testing is Wrong Every year in the United States, millions of helpless animals are hurt and killed by cosmetic companies, household products, government purposes and scientific centers. While many people feel like animal testing is unavoidable, others are disturbed by what they see as inessential suffering. Innocent animals shouldn’t be hurt for the sake of a human’s safety. When we think about animals being tested on for the sake of human sanity, we don’t think of the long precautions that come with it. Do you know what animal testing is, what condition the animals live in, and what some alternatives to testing on animals are? Animal testing is the use of innocent animals in psychological, biological, and medical studies. Some people …show more content…

Animal testing is getting dangerous for the researchers that are involved with it. You would think that if people are threatening researchers for testing on animals, then they would get the hint that it’s morally wrong. Many of these researchers are claiming that it’s not their faults that animals are being hurt and killed for the sake of saving human lives. If researchers stopped testing on animals they’re lives would stop being put in danger. Stores would also sell much more products if they didn’t test their products on animals. Many people are ditching their household products like cosmetics and cleaning supplies in favor of cruelty free alternatives. Many people agree that they would be willing to support grocery stores and buy products if they weren’t tested on animals. A great number of people do not like the idea of using products that have been tested on animals and are even disposing any product that has been test on animals to show their rejection of animal tested products. Grocers and producers would make more money if animas were not tested on, which shows that testing on animals is not beneficial to the economy (Murnaghan). It is completely outrageous and cruel to test cosmetics on animals just for the sake of humans looking better. Even though cosmetics and other household products are tested on animals with intentions to protect humans, but that doesn’t dependently predict the outcomes of human safety. Animal testing is morally wrong because the tests made on animals are not only dangerous for researchers for how strongly people are against animals. The tests made on animals may not even predict the human outcomes; so, animal testing must

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