Animal Testing Essay

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For centuries, animals have been known as man’s companions, a form of therapeutic relief, and a source for human joy and entertainment. However, animals are being tortured and treated cruelly for the sake of human prosperity all over the country. Animal testing as a means of researching medical advancements and product quality for consumers is a large problem in today’s society. The research experiments executed with animals in the name of scientific discovery call into question the compassion and integrity of the human spirit. If we do not put an end to animal testing in the United States, many animals will suffer in anguish through the torment inflicted upon them in a product testing lab. Product testing on animals should be illegal, because animals are killed or kept in captivity their entire life, substances that are tested on animals may never be released for human use, and there are alternatives available to testing on animals. Product testing on animals should be illegal due to the fact that animals are killed or kept in captivity their entire lives. Just imagine another feeling, breathing, living being sitting in a cold, wet cage, waiting to have a cruel test administered to them. After the excruciating experiment which tests their tolerance towards pain and endurance to keep living, the researcher ends abruptly ends their life. That is what animals all across the world experience waiting in a science lab to be tested on. This is the life of an animal in a clinical testing trial. The testing lab environments animals are kept in are horrendous. Animals that are kept for research purposes usually live in confined, cramped spaces their entire lives inhibiting healthy growth for any living being. “Small animals are kept in cl... ... middle of paper ... ...p results that tell us more about how humans will react to a medicine or cosmetic product. If animal testing continues to be a legal source of research for products and medications, many animals will continue to die cruel and unusual deaths with little benefit to humanity. Animal testing should be ruled illegal. These animals are forced to live in science labs under inhumane circumstances for the testing of products which rarely ending up being used for humans and could have been measured for safety by using alternative methods to animal testing. Animals are important to humans for companionship, rehabilitation, and quite necessarily depended on for sustenance. Treating animals with little compassion in a sterile testing center defies the ethics of humanity and degrades our presence as an intelligent species making us no better than the animals we experiment on.

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