Animal Farm, by George Orwell

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Animal Farm

Theme. What is it? A theme is a central idea of a story that

usually reveals something about human nature. A theme is usually

unstated as are the themes in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. One

theme that can be taken away from the story is weakness can be

easily dominated through language and ignorance. This will be

seen through the manipulative language of Squealer and the

gullibility of the animals.

One way in which this can be seen is through Squealer. In

one situation all of the apples and milk will be given to the pigs a

few animals disagree with this. “Comrades!” he cried. “You do not

imagine I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness

and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike

them myself. Our sole object is to preserve our health. Milk and

apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain

substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig. We

pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of

this farm depends on us. Day and night we are watching over your

welfare. It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those

apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our

duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!

Surely, comrades,” cried Squealer almost pleadingly, skipping form

side to side and whisking his tail, “surely there is no one among

you who wants to see Jones come back?” The animals all are in

agreement that they do not want Jones back, therefore; believing

that the pigs health was the upmost concern (Orwell 820).

Here one can see that the animals are easily deceived through a

few big words and a lot of fast talking that can be easily confused if

one does not pay attention closely. When the animals agree with

the fact that they do not want Jones back they assume that they

must also be saying that the pigs need the apples and milk to help

keep them in health. Although this is not what they are saying,

they are saying that they do not want Jones back, and they believe

that the way to keep him away is to give the pigs the apples and

milk because they stand vehemently against Jones. So

now the animals believe that the pigs are entitled to special

privileges in order to keep Jones from coming back. Time and time

again the animals are deceived because by agreeing with one

thing they believe that they are agreeing with everything.

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