Animal Farm Research Paper

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Pigs Have the Power
Your education could insure that you are not taking orders from a pig some day. One of George Orwell’s genius points in Animal Farm is how people should value their education more. Orwell uses animals to tell the story of communism and it's impact. When the animals take over the farm, there is a quick division between the educated and the uneducated. The uneducated animals do not even realize the unequality they are living with. Reading Animal Farm should help you realize how important your education is. Orwell makes his point about the importance of education by showing the impact of no education on the animals’ lives, the power education gives the pigs, and how much teachers are needed.
Orwell makes it clear that being …show more content…

First, knowledge gives you power to create your own ideas. Snowball has a grand idea to create a windmill for the farm, “Within a few weeks Snowball’s plans for the windmill were fully worked out. The mechanical details came mostly from three books which had belonged to Mr. Jones —‘One Thousand Useful Things to Do About the House’, ‘Every Man His Own Bricklayer’, and ‘Electricity for Beginners’”(page 54). Snowball is so educated that he is making up his own ideas to help the farm. Next, knowledge can give you power over other individuals. The pigs are the most educated on the farm, which gives them power over the other animals. Orwell shows that the pigs are able to control and manipulate the other animals by using knowledge and abilities others do not have. An example of the pigs using their knowledge against the other animals is, “On the same day it was given out that fresh documents had been discovered which revealed further details about Snowball’s complicity with Jones” (page 109). Since the animals do not know how to read, they cannot make sure that the pigs are not lying about the documents. Furthermore, because the educated pigs say that the documents are real, the animals must believe them. Lastly, education can give your words power. Squealer convinces the animals with a speech that demonstrates the power of words. He tells them, “It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those …show more content…

If there is no one to teach a five year old the alphabet, then he/she will not have the discipline to teach themselves. One of the horses named Clover had, “learned the whole alphabet, but could not put words together” (page 40). Even though Clover learns the whole alphabet, she does not have a teacher that helps her learn how to put the words together. Other animals greatly impacted by a teacher are the dogs. They are taught everything they know by Napoleon. In the beginning, none of the animals, “had been able to imagine where these creatures came from, but the problem was soon solved: they were the puppies whom Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and reared privately” (page 58). The education they receive from Napoleon helps them attain a position with more power than the other animals. Without a figure in life who teaches you things, you will have a harder time gaining

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