Animal Farm Land Bad

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Is losing agricultural farm land to urban area bad or good Is losing agricultural farm land to urban area bad or good? I believe it is bad, we lose nearly two acres a minute nearly 120 acres an hour, this means lots of farmland is disappearing. Over time this will become a major problem from over population to not having enough food to feed the world. Losing this farms is bad meaning that land that made money could become land that that not only does not make money but takes money. This becomes a problem because as more and mor land stop making money we stop having money. Come on this journey and find out why this can be harmful to the U.S. and the world. How losing farmland affects the Farm Animals Losing land majorly affects farmers and ranchers of all sorts. First losing land can cause there to be to many animals in one area kill the young calves and keeping there from being calves that can grow and take over for the older cattle. This begins to create not only a problem for the farmers but a problem for the buyers and consumers which causes another problem for the farm because he is losing buyers. Over several years we will start to lose cattle and be restored to an only vegetable diet. …show more content…

Eventually we will resorted to vertical farms for growing simple plants, but where this is in a building it will be harder to Feed animals that are in need of the crops such as cattle, sheep, horses, and other crop fed animals. This can become a problem cause there to be More of a hasil to get food to animals. But there is one good side you are able to recycle all the water and not waste

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