Animal Farm: Good Ideas Fail In Society

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It was been shown over and over again in history that good ideas fail in a society for similar reasons in one way or another. The initial ideas are always suppose to be better for the society or at least that is what the leaders believe is what is best for the society. Sometimes the leaders start out honest and truthful and truly want what is best, this usually gets corrupted. Or sometimes like in animal farm the leaders start out already corrupted like in Napoleon's case. I believe good ideas fail in society because of greed, power, education, manipulation, the leaders, the members of the society and many other reasons. There are many innovative people in this world with amazing ideas but the process is what tends to make their successful …show more content…

They can also fail because of the members of the society not contributing to the cause to make the society work. The government has a huge part to play but in the case of animal farm their society failed for reasons beyond the government. Animal Farm started off as a kind of communist society. They had their own type of government called animalism. Animalism is the belief that all animals are treated equally and all animals have the same rights as others and all animals contribute the same amount as others. The amount of work each animal had to do was discussed among the animals a lot. Since their society is a kind of animalism society they all have to work the same amount of hours. This is their initial beliefs but again because of Napoleon’s thirst for power he shifts these laws so that him and the rest of the pigs have to do little to no work at all. The pigs were not the only ones that tried to get out of working on the farm. Whether you worked a lot or not the pigs did not pay much attention to this at the time because they were more focused on trying to rip the revolution the animals started from right under their feet without them noticing. This does not mean that other animals were discouraged to work hard. Boxer was one of the most hard working animals on the farm but in the end this meant nothing to Napoleon as soon as he saw him as a threat to his position he got rid of him. Most of the animals tried to keep the farm intact and functioning, the pigs ruined this. If you want to have a functioning society all members need to be dedicated and want the best for the society. Everybody has a role and if they do not play that role and contribute and work as they are supposed to it will lead other members to believe that they do not have to do their work like they are supposed to

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